Monday, June 6, 2011

School's Out!?!

Is it true? Are we really done with another year? Yes, we are! Friday was our last official day of school! We have decided to continue schooling lightly throughout the summer. As for a strict schedule, forget it. Now it's time to start preparing and organizing next years curriculum. Ugh, I guess I still have work to do. Wish me luck. I hope everyone has a great summer!


Tammy said...

Wow, I really should post more often.

Penelope (NYC Mom Blogger) said...

Lol, no kidding!

Tammy said...

What can I say? Life just keeps happening. How do all these bloggers find the time?

Carol Anne Wright Swett said...

Tammy, what a sweet surprise to have you drop by my blog today. As to your Q re how we bloggers 'find the time', I'm usually up till 2a or later writing. There is no way I could have done it till my younger homeschooler was in his high school years, I think.

How wonderful to be finishing up already! We have 40 days left. I'm not sure I'll last! YIKES! The Lord's blessings on you and your family today!